Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Brooklyn Bridge

It's been awhile, but here is a scrapbook page from my New York scrapbook.  This page is from a walk my friend Holly and I took across the Brooklyn Bridge.

I used Thickers to do the title for this page, and I used the "B" as the anchor for both words.

Here is a photo of Holly being sassy as we cross the bridge.  I was a beautiful day, with a great blue sky.  I used a double-sided sheet that had blue in the flowers to match the sky.

When you open the page you find more photos, a tag, and a map of Manhattan.

I liked the way the lines for the bridge crossed each other, so I took this photo.  I used a paper with blue, green, and red circles as a matte because I thought the colors went well with the flower paper.

The journalling tag is blue as well, and has flowers, tying in these two elements.  (Although, I really should journal on this tag!)

From my many trips to NYC, I have lots of maps, so I used part of a Manhattan map where you could see the Brooklyn Bridge as part of the background.

Finally, a picture of me and Holly.  The matte is a teal that corresponds nicely (I think) with the blues.

I like the bold colors on this layout, and the element of the flap, which adds a little fun to the page, I think.  :)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Staying Warm this Winter

This winter wasn't as bad as last winter, but there was still a spell when it was COLD!  Last winter, Nox had a little blanket that was supposed to be a baby blanket that Karen donated to Nox.  But since Nox is 3-4 times bigger than that cute little puppy he was last year, that blanket doesn't cover very much.  We have a lot of throw fleeces and throw blankets, so I donated one to Nox:

Because we actually have more than one red fleece blanket in the house, I wrote his name on this one so we wouldn't get confused.  (I'm going to try to stitch his name on, since I'm not sure if the magic marker will wash out when I wash the blanket.)  Anyway, the blanket helped to keep him warm, and when Mark and I wrapped up in our blankies on the couch, Nox also got to get wrapped up in his blanket.  :)

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

If Nox had a Mustache...

A couple of weeks ago we were hanging out with Mark's high school friend, Heather, and her family, and we all played a board game involving mustaches.  We decided this was the one that Nox would have, if he could grow one: