Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Brooklyn Bridge

It's been awhile, but here is a scrapbook page from my New York scrapbook.  This page is from a walk my friend Holly and I took across the Brooklyn Bridge.

I used Thickers to do the title for this page, and I used the "B" as the anchor for both words.

Here is a photo of Holly being sassy as we cross the bridge.  I was a beautiful day, with a great blue sky.  I used a double-sided sheet that had blue in the flowers to match the sky.

When you open the page you find more photos, a tag, and a map of Manhattan.

I liked the way the lines for the bridge crossed each other, so I took this photo.  I used a paper with blue, green, and red circles as a matte because I thought the colors went well with the flower paper.

The journalling tag is blue as well, and has flowers, tying in these two elements.  (Although, I really should journal on this tag!)

From my many trips to NYC, I have lots of maps, so I used part of a Manhattan map where you could see the Brooklyn Bridge as part of the background.

Finally, a picture of me and Holly.  The matte is a teal that corresponds nicely (I think) with the blues.

I like the bold colors on this layout, and the element of the flap, which adds a little fun to the page, I think.  :)


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