Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Election Results

Barack Obama will be our next President! His speech last night was very moving. Damn he's got a good writer, and he is a fabulous speaker. Of interest to note, Washtenaw county (where Ann Arbor is) voted 70% for Obama, and Wayne county (where Detroit is) voted 74% for Obama.

Michigan proposals 1 and 2 both passed.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Fun with Plants

Mama gave me this little pail to use for a plant I needed to transplant to a different pot. The plant fits perfectly, and now it's hanging in the kitchen area, looking awfully cute.
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Ongoing Election Day Coverage

CNN just called Michigan for Barack! We rock!

Election Day

We're watching Comedy Central, which is playing all day Daily Shows and Colbert Reports, as well as checking a few blogs about the results, including Google Maps 2008 Election map, CNN's Your Races, and Making Light. On The Daily Dish, someone posted this great video, called Super Barack. Listening to Barack's speech with the Superman music in the background really is inspiring. We're waiting not only for the results on the presidential candidates, but I'm also interested in finding out the results on prop 1 (about medical marjuana) and prop 2 (about embryonic stem cell research). We'll see what happens.

November 4, 2008

It's Election Day...Go Vote!