Sunday, August 26, 2007

Local Protest

Every once in a while there will be some kind of underground artistic movement in Ann Arbor. For instance, for awhile it seemed like everywhere we went we would see shoes hanging from electrical wires (and they were nice shoes, not ragged, old ones). I don't know what the point was, but they were scattered everywhere. And another time people were writing on stop signs, and I liked this one. I didn't see too many others (they all said something different), but I thought it was kind of cool.
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Friday, August 24, 2007

Trial Run

With only seven days left, I went and did a trial run of my hair up-do. This isn't exactly how it will be, but I liked the intricacy. I'm hoping there will be more curls on the day-of--otherwise it will probably just look a bit haphazard, as it currently does. Let me tell you, though, when I pulled out all the bobby pins Donna, the hairstylist, had put in my hair, I had a huge stack! She did have a cool suggestion that I buy a few bobby pins that have sparklies on them, and she could intersperse them in my hair to make my hair sparkly! I like the idea, and it has been added to the diminishing list of things to do. :)
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