Thursday, March 30, 2006


So, since I'm surrounded by nerdiness and cute cats, robots seem to be the thing right now. So, watch some wrestling robots! It's not only amusing, but also highly impressive that the robots are so adept. I would never have guessed that robots could so easily get up and move around. They are kung fu fighting!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hello from the flip side!

Yes I'm back. I just stopped by tonight to point out the new link on the side bar to Geek and bots. This will be my new site for recording my adventures in evil genius science. I'll try to make it educational when I can and entertaining by accident. I hope you will enjoy it, and I will try to stop by here more often.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tech Writing?

I came across this nomination site for innovative tech writing for an anthology being created once a year. It is my understanding they are looking for indie / underground stand-alone articles / blogs that can be included in this anthology. Nominations are accepted through March 31.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Liberal IS a Good Word!

I was flipping through The Nation and found a website called live liberal. I have to say, since the country is becoming even more conservative, it's like finding a little oasis! Oooohh...Just checking out the merchandise. I so want the beanie!

He-he! Also found a website selling funny t-shirts. I'm tempted by the political ones!

Hold me back! Gah!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Follow up to Thought for the Day

Soon after we had returned to a state of normalcy, this email was sent to inform us of what had happened:
Campus wide power surge - affected portions of the city as well, problem with a primary Edison power feed grid. 5 second delay was due to Edison rerouting power through another feed grid.
Apparently many people had an early lunch today.

Thought for the Day...

When you're at work and the power goes out and everything turns off and you lose all your data on your computer and then your computer acts all buggy because it was turned off improperly, it really makes you think you should take an early lunch.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Speaking of Google Video...

So, for those not up on the new cultish internet crazes, I will point you to the Numa Numa guy. He used a web cam to record himself singing along to the Numa Numa song, which spawned a craze of imitation videos, which can be easily found by doing a search for Numa Numa videos. Now, while the imitations are mostly duds, it is entirely fascinating how popular this guy became because of this very silly video that was posted. Not only have tons of imitation videos spawned because of this, but now everyone is trying to gain similar internet popularity by doing their own videos. Who would have thought?

For one thing, this definitely is a testament to the power and outreach that has been created in this new "internet community."

For another, there are a lot of bored people out there--both those making the videos, and those watching them! ;)

Before there was Brokeback Mountain, there was...

So, I will admit up front that I have not seen Brokeback Mountain yet, but I do plan on seeing it when it's out on video (sorry, it's hard to part with $9 these days for movie theater tickets). In the meanwhile, in one of our many Google video digs (by the way, if you haven't searched Google video, there are plenty of people willing to make asses of themselves and post it on the internet--it's highly amusing), we found a parody of Brokeback Mountain, with one of the classics of my generation--Back to the Future. The innuendos between Marty and Doc are delightfully wrong and funny. Check it out!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Helping New Orleans Rebuild

I am posting this message from the New Orleans Public Library, who is currently seeking donations to rebuild their collection. This is a good opportunity to clean off those bookshelves!

Seeking Book Donations
The New Orleans Public Library
(New Orleans LA)

The New Orleans Public Library is asking for any and all hardcover and paperback books for people of all ages in an effort to restock the shelves after Katrina. The staff will assess which titles will be designated for its collections. The rest will be distributed to destitute families or sold for library fundraising. Please send your books to:

Rica A. Trigs, Public Relations
New Orleans Public Library
219 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans
, LA 70112

If you tell the post office that they are for the library in New Orleans, they will give you the library rate which is slightly less than the book rate.