Monday, May 24, 2010

The Wildlife Around Our House

One of the really nice things about our house is the view of the lake. (Maybe it's more of a pond? It's pretty small, but people fish, and I have seen canoes and paddleboats out on it.) We've seen a lot of animals around the house--deer, ducks, geese, robins (and other small birds I haven't identified yet), heron, and--of course--other people. :)


This is a little turtle I had to move when I was mowing the front yard (sorry he's blurry--the camera focused on my gloves instead of the turle), so I moved him into the back near the water. If I remember my Michigan reptiles, I believe he's a Painted Turtle.
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Friday, May 21, 2010

Cat Sandwich

I woke up one morning (probably a Caturday) and came down to the living room to find all the cats sitting together. This is a rare event, because usually when Octavius gets close, he wants to play, and that chases the other cats away. Anyway, just wanted to share some cat cuteness. :)

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Going Green (And No, Not MSU Green)

For my birthday I got my highly anticipated composter (highly anticipated by me, not Mark), which I had to put together (Mark was very kind to help me, so it went quickly). It came in many pieces, and there was a note of caution included to not throw away any "packaging" as it was not actually packaging. (The styrofoam was part of the composter, to help insulate.)

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Here I am working on putting the contraption together (which was a lot easier than I initially thought). Yes, I am wearing a Red Wings shirt and pink pajama bottoms.

Octavius was helping out, and decided he wanted to try to be composted.

The composter is nice because it has two chambers, so theoretically, as I fill one chamber, the other chamber is decomposing; by the time I finish filling the second chamber, the first one should be finished. Unfortunately, this is not going to be true for awhile, since I have a whole garbage can's worth of compost materials already, plus all of our leaves from last fall still.

Yummy! :) I am looking forward to having some good fertilizer to use on the flowers and vegetables I'm going to grow this summer.