Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring Time


So the tree in our front yard is blooming, and the grass has already gotten long enough to mow. We've started doing a *little* bit of landscaping in the front yard. I'm going to grow some flowers and put some around the tree, and more in the backyard. Once we get the new siding up this summer (color still to be determined), I think the house will REALLY start looking nice!
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Friday, April 16, 2010

New Car!


We've been talking about it for awhile, since both of our current cars are pretty old, and unfortunately, unreliable. So we got a new (to us) car! It's a 2007 Honda Civic, with a moon roof. (ooohhhh!) So far we really like it, and it's nice to finally have a car that doesn't look like a peice of crap. :)
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Saturday, April 03, 2010

The Big 150,000!


My car hit 150,000 miles today. I kind of feel like it's a Christmas miracle, since the engine seized, the fuel pump and catalytic converter died, and my rear driver-side rotor was worn to almost broken in the last two years (not to mention I have a feeling that my transmission is starting to go). At least now that I've hit 150,000, I feel like I'm starting to get my money's worth from all these recent repairs. Now I just wonder if I can make it to 200,000. I won't hold my breath, though.
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