Thursday, September 27, 2007

Which one to use?

So, after looking at Mom2's suggestions, now we have two other photos that could work. Since there are 1004 photos total, it was hard to narrow it down so much. Please vote on your favorite. :)

We're Married Option

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Pretty Option

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Which one to use?

I have a dilemma. I have found two photos that I like a lot as possible photos to use on our thank you cards we are sending people. The first one is a fun one, that isn't a fantastic picture per se, but definitely captures us. The second one is just a really nice picture of us in black and white. It's such a hard decision! I need you all to vote on your favorite. :)


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Friday, September 21, 2007

Is America Ready for a Woman President?

Given that the media keeps asking this question, it does make me wonder. It's almost like women are this new weird race, and can we possibly trust them? Samantha Bee did a hilarious segment on the Daily Show about this.The question should be, when can we stop having men for President? 'Cause I'm a bit sick of the job that's been done for the past few years.

On a related matter, Stephen Colbert had Naomi Wolf on his program recently to discuss her new book, The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot. It was a really fascinating interview in which Wolf says there are a series of steps that every despot follows when forming their totalitarian state. It was actually quite disturbing, and now I feel compelled to read the book, even though I find it so disconcerting / unnerving.

Friday, September 14, 2007

A Breast-In

I heard an interview this morning on the radio about Melanie Flores who was shopping at the mall and kicked out of a store for breastfeeding. I found two articles about it online, one at ABC local, and the other at the Toldeo Free Press. The part I just can't believe, and am really offended by, is excerpted here from the Toledo Free Press article:

“The clerk, Amy, let me feed him, but when I was finished and looked to her for assistance she was very forward and confrontational with me and told me I could not breast-feed in that store and if I wanted to do it again I needed to leave,” her e-mail read.

Later, the e-mail states, “She then told me ‘We are a privately owned family store, we don't need to follow that law and you can't just go around throwing your breasts out where ever you'd like.'”

It makes me so angry that something so natural and necessary is so often demeaned. (One of the radio personalties called the store clerk a gigantic bitch, and having read what she ignorantly said, I would kind of have to agree. The article also said that the owners of the store have not responded on this matter, and frankly, if I were them, I would totally try to distance myself from this employee.) On the radio this morning, Melanie said that there was going to be a Breast-In at the mall, and mothers could come with their babies and breastfeed in public together.

The other thing that this clerk may not realize, is that in New York it is legal for women to be topless (or topfree, as the movement is called) in public, just as men can. There was even a recent article in the New York Post about it. To find out more, and about the history of the law in New York, read the Post's article and the Topfree website.

Go Women! We deserve equality in all matters!