Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Siblings Weekend Scrapbook Part 6

Here's another layout from the Siblings Weekend scrapbook I made for Mark.  I used several elements here, starting with a Simple Stories paper for my base.  I kind of divvied up the page into four quadrants, and put an element in each one. Each quadrant also ties in yellow, blue, and red colors.

In the top left I have the photo.  On the photo I used an overlay that had a bunch of speech bubbles, which seem to all be kind of pointing at my sister-in-law, so it draws your eye to her.

In the upper right quadrant I put a simple piece of graph paper for journalling.  I used a yellow chevron washi tape to hold down the edges that are furthest away from the photo.

In the lower right quadrant I used a red mat on a cut-a-part piece from the Simple Stories Urban Traveller collection, since the purpose the the trip was to see Boston.

Finally, in the lower left quadrant I used some chevron washi tape to tie back to the red and blue colors elsewhere in the layout.  I trimmed the edges of the pieces of tape to give them a little more dimension.

I like the color scheme on this page.  Watch for more scrapbook layouts to come!


Anonymous Mari said...

I love all your layouts. You have fantastic sense of colors and how to mix them.

12:08 AM  

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