Sunday, August 17, 2014

It's a Floor!

Yes, we have finally been working on our wood flooring in our house!  It's great because the new floor seems like such a luxury, especially in comparison to just having subfloor for the last four years!

Look at the beautiful variation in the floor!  I love it!  :)  We finished the floor in the living room and have put up our newly painted trim (to match our nice window trim), and we're trying out a new layout in the living room to see what we think.  The cats seem a little weirded out, and are scoping everything out.  Can you find them?

I was trying to use red arrows to point them out in the above photo, but in case you still couldn't quite find them, here are (from left to right) Octavius, Neko, and Ceilidh!


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