Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy Holidays from Nox!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone!  As you might already be aware, it is pretty difficult to get good photos taken with cats and dogs.  We tried to get our Christmas photo for 30 minutes, and by the end of it, Nox was REALLY done!  :)

We dressed Nox in an ugly Christmas sweater (Mark is wearing one too), and Nox has on antlers.  So, what are the difficulties with taking a photo with your pet?

1. Other pets are curious about what you are doing and join in the shot.

2. Wardrobe malfunctions.

3. The pet doesn't look at the camera.

4. The pet owners get a little giddy from trying to take one good photo for the last 20 minutes.

But finally, you might just luck out and get ONE good shot:


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