Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Cute Overload!


OK, I can't help it!  Nox is just too darn cute!  If you don't like things that make you smile or happy, then you may want to turn away.

He is adjusting pretty well.  There are a lot of things that seem to be new to him.  The other day he really didn't want to go outside in the rain--he seemed afraid of it!  He also doesn't seem to enjoy car rides (a dog that doesn't like car rides--that's crazy!).  Here's Mark trying to encourage Nox to stick his nose out the window:  

We (all of us--including the cats) are adjusting to not only having a dog in the house again, but to having a puppy.  Right now he is pretty underweight, so his bladder control isn't very good yet just because he's still so small.  But he's put on four pounds since we got him, and he's up to waiting for three hour before going outside at night.  The first bacteria he had from the humane society is gone, but he's picked up another one from freshwater.  He's part lab, and being near water gave him a parasite.  Figure that one out!

He is learning his basics pretty well (come here, sit, lay down, and leave it), but Mark is excited to take him to puppy class to work more on his basics and also for socialization.  Mark's long-term goals for Nox include agility training on an obstacle course!  Right now Nox is not that coordinated, and very leggy, so I don't know if that is a feasible future.  :)


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