Tuesday, May 01, 2007

We've Chosen Our Photographer!

We really like this person (Susan of Susan Jergens Photography). I had suggested that we meet at the wedding location because it was in-between where we were both coming from, and she suggested that she bring her camera and take a few test shots. Well, no one had made any kind of suggestion like that when we met with people, so right away we liked her enthusiasm. When we met with her, she had a fantastic, easy-going personality. She loved our venue, and said how natural we were together, and snapped some shots of us and the location as we walked around the grounds. We were impressed by her portfolio (which we had seen some of online already), and loved the fact that as part of her packages we will receive digital copies of our images as well. And then (for free!) she sent us the photos she had taken of us.

Anyway, I just loved this picture, which was taken outside near our banquet hall. I love the detail you can see in the door and stonework, but also the angle of the shot, as well as the curve of my leg. Altogether, it's one of my favorite pictures from that brief meeting with her.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried opening the picture symbol, and was not successful in opening it. Suggestions? thanks...

6:25 PM  

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