Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ta Da! And Now Some Amazing News!

(For those of you that I have been trying to contact and failed, I'm sorry that you will find this out through our blog. Beware that this post contains shocking news, pda's, and tears!)

(First, the back story)

I first saw Mark nine (gasp! really, that long ago?) years ago in an eight a.m. Calculus class. I remember I was sitting in what was to become my usual spot, crouched in the desk behind my friend Heather. Two rows over, being very noisy and rambunctious (I mean, it was an eight a.m. class for crying out loud--I may be stupid but I'm not crazy), and I was so annoyed at this boy. Then this riotous boy kind of just faded from my memory because (although I didn't know this at the time) Mark hated eight a.m. classes, and usually couldn't drag himself from bed in order to go to class.

(The beginning)

One year later we both signed up for a canoeing class. I don't even remember why I decided to take canoeing, but it was awfully fun. It only met for half a semester, and we spent three hours twice a week outside on the river. I didn't know most of the people in the class, but I started to get to know Mark, who lived at the Coffee House, a student run coffee house, where five people lived and managed the organization. We got to know each other because I started hanging out at the Coffee House (which was right next to my dorm) in order to escape my *slightly* crazy roommate. Amazingly, during canoeing class, Mark's canoe often bumped into mine--a flirtatious attempt that I was oblivious to. This semester also highlighted our rollerblading "date"--or so Mark thought until the end of the evening when I said I had to leave and go see my boyfriend (again, I was a little oblivious, and naive). There was also the infamous Fall Break Trip, which consisted of three girls and two boys, including myself and Mark (my boyfriend was not there, but he did make a cameo in the role of Roadside-Assistance-Boy with Father-who-almost-blew-up-the-car). I remember also helping Mark memorize his lines for a play he was in, and many late nights when we ordered onion and sausage on thin crust pizza.

In short, we became good friends. And it is from this basic foundation we built our relationship, which began by the end of that semester.

(And now for some symmetry)
Two weekends ago we went canoeing with our friend Holly. It was just a few hour canoe trip, which started off very serenely (except for the large group of drunk students canoeing close by). The weather was perfect, sunny and breezy, and the lazy (nice way to say slow) river weaved through a beautiful forest. Unfortunately, the day ended with a disaster, as Mark's kayak completely filled with water, and the three of us had to smush in one canoe and tow the EXTREMELY heavy water-laden kayak. Despite this annoyance, we ended the trip on a good, but tired and sore, note.

(The finale)
Then on Sunday, to my surprise, Mark treated me to a very fancy dinner. We're talking about those gourmet type meals where you get your entrée and it looks like a peice of art. Mark also ordered a very nice bottle of Shiraz (a tasty dry red wine). When we got home, I putzed around the apartment for a few minutes and then realized that Mark was not in the apartment. As I walked around looking for him (which you can do very quickly, since there is only one main hallway about twenty feet in length), and then noticed that Ceilidh had a small scrap of paper tied around her neck. I picked up the paper and read some cryptic message, and (this is where I screwed it up for him!) didn't get it. Then I noticed that Neko also had a scrap of paper, picked it up, and again was confused. I understood that this was some kind of miniature scavenger hunt, but I didn't understand the messages (which is understandable, since I was reading something like messages 2 and 5) and I didn't know where Mark was. Finally, I happened to glance outside and saw Mark behind the apartment building, out by the line of trees. So I went out back, wondering what the heck was going on. And then he proposed! He had a candle and got down on one knee, and then said a bunch of romantic and sweet things, the half of which I unfortunately don't remember because I had that moment of realization that he was PROPOSING. And then I started crying. (Yes, here is the part where the tears come in.)

So, I happily announce that we are now engaged!

(Now for the REALLY good news)
Our families know and like each other, and are happy that we're engaged! What more could a person want? :)


Blogger RebeccaL-O said...

What a great story! I'm so glad that 9 years later you two are engaged! I am so happy and thrilled for both of you and I can't wait for your wedding.

A scavenger hunt = SO nerdy, and I'm sure Mark put tons of thought into it, so it's a good thing you saw him by the trees. I wonder how long he would have waited out there for you . . . I mean, it had already been nine years, that's a long wait!

We're so happy for you! C & R

1:53 AM  

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