Wednesday, August 17, 2005

No New Posts?

If you are someone who, from time to time, likes to check out erraticwords, and you have been disappointed by the lack of new posts, I would like to apologize. I recently got a job offer with a press, and we are in the stages of moving and getting ready for the job. However, I do have a little *anecdote* I can share (although, usually anecdotes are funny, and I wouldn't say I find this humorous). I was actually driving to my interview for this press I got the job offer from when this happened. My brother was with me, so this makes it slightly more annoying and odd. A big car was passing me on my left, and since I was on I-94, that wasn't anything new--there is a ton of traffic on that road, and lots of cars had already passed me that day. As it started to get into my line of sight, I noticed that it was a big suburban (if you know anyone who owns a suburban, they *usually* are a certain type of people--if you are someone who owns a suburban, than you are that person ;), and then I noticed this big, beefy arm was pressing a sheet of paper up against the window on the passenger side. So I read it:
Show me your boobs

I had many reactions (none of them actually fulfilled their request), but what I really wanted to do was write my own paper that would have said:
you first

If you know me personally, then you know this incident outraged me. For those of you who don't know me, I'll spare you the tirades until a later time.

:) We'll be around more at the end of the month. Please bear with us as we move all of our crap halfway across the state.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That made me chuckle. :P

11:24 PM  

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