Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Best Reasons to be a Prague TA

If you are a fill in TA for someone who at the last minute backed out, here is what happens:
1) the people in charge are grateful that you are filling in; subsequently they will thank you multiple times and take you out to lunch and dinner, and offer to buy you drinks all the time
2) the people in the class are grateful that you are filling in; subsequently they will thank you multiple times and offer to buy you drinks all the time
3) after a frantic couple of days of picking up the ruined peices that the other person left behind, your job will be a breeze since you aren't even in the class, but only assist with the out of class work, which is not very much
4) since the other person left a ruin behind them, they will look very poorly to the people in charge, and therefore you will look very well to the people in charge for cleaning up the ruin
5) you will be invited for various lunches and dinners that the other faculty and TAs are invited to, thereby allowing you to hang out with your colleagues and eat free lunches and dinners and drinks

The key is to keep a positive attitude whenever you are speaking to a student or someone in charge. Even during those few frantic days, and possible hectic situations in the future, keeping a positive attitude, and knowing that you will get through it sooner or later will in the end, just make you look like an all-around A+ TA.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow good job on scoring free food and drinks! It sounds like you're having a great time! Your blog made me laugh cuz when I got my job teaching at MSM, I was replacing someone who quit mid-semester and it was an EMERGENCY, thus everyone is (STILL!) majorly sucking up to me and I feel like I saved the day, even though really I am just teaching a French language class. But it's nice to feel needed and appreciated, isn't it? I hope you continue having a great experience, and I can't wait to see pictures from your trip :)
-- Rebecca

2:45 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

Becky, I don't know how but I lost your email address. Could you email me so I can email you? >.>;;

7:07 PM  

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