Thursday, April 21, 2005


Sooo....even though I technically am not graduating until August, I have been granted permission to walk in the april graduation ceremony, which is on Saturday. I'm mostly doing it for my parents, who want to see me in a ceremony (even though I am awfully proud of getting my MFA), but I also feel a little silly. I get to wear special master's gown stuff, which has a stole and the gown has extra material hanging off in weird places. :) I feel a little anticlimatic, though, also because after this I will still have to take ONE more class, and finish my MFA Project--you know, no biggie. I mean, if I've already walked, why should I have to do that crap still? :)

Anyway, kudos to my brother also, who is graduating for real on Saturday with his B.S. (as in a degree in bs :), and also my sister who will be graduating from high school in a couple of weeks. (In my family, we like to do everything all at the same time and have big parties.)



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