Sunday, March 27, 2005

News Flash: Dog Bites World

Everyone, meet Niles. Niles say hello.

As you might have guessed this fine example of co-mingled breeds (read Mutt) is my dog. I got him as a puppy from some people who had taken in a dog before asking their parents if it was OK. Now, at the time, no one in my family was, what you might quaintly call, a "dog person." In fact I believe that we had four well established cats who's plans for world dominion had to be put on hold because of the new addition to the family.

Niles is a dog with ADD--who doesn't listen to reason when he's excited--who sometimes can't wait to be let out before doing his business, and barks more often than our neighbors would like. However in spite of all these "dogish" traits, he is the most loyal, friendly, wholesome, smart and funny dog I have ever encountered.

If you should see him exploring the streets he's probably just run off (being chased by me) because of something a squirrel said to him.


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